We had such a fun Thanksgiven. Seriously so much fun. I had to start the post off with a picture of our decorations. Morgan helped me set things up and she did such a good job sounding out Thanksgiving.
We arrived late Tuesday night and had the best turn down service at our "hotel." My mom is really the best.
When we crawled out of bed I found these 2 playing an intense game of chess.
I introduce my mom to Starbucks. She wasn't as impressed as I am.
We hit up awesome part afterwards where the kids loved to climb the rock wall.
Then we made our way to a very crowded Chick-fil-a.
We had the usual Thanksgiving 5K and some of use got a little goofy at the photo-shoot.
The group of runners.
And the group of supporters.
And we're off.
Us girls brought up the rear. Between not running, injuries, and my sickness we actually did pretty well. Hey, at least we ran the whole time.
There were many a times we just sat around and talked all weekend. One night in particular listening to Trent's old music.
The boys went golfing.
And the girls went shopping.
And the kids went swimming.
And night swimming.
And the parents watched. I did not get in my swimsuit once for the whole 5 days we were there. That's what being sick does to me. I am not that much fun.
Probably one of the highlights of the trip was playing up Snow Canyon in the sand. Everyone got into it.
The kids loved the freedom.
to bury themselves in the sand.
And the Man Games got more intense.
We had our actual Thanksgiving meal at Chuch a Rama this year. Best thing ever.
It was fabulous not to cook, clean, or worry about a big fancy dinner.
We ran off all the food we ate at the park with a soccer game.
and playground fun.
And this guy was exhausted from all the fun. You know we are on vacation when Trent takes a nap at 9 am.
Then we headed home and since the restaurants and gas stations were SO packed we did the unthinkable and ate in the car on the way home.
And that, my friends, was our Thaksgiven.