Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sick of Being Chubby.

After I weighed myself last week I felt very depressed. I had gained 5 pounds since my trip to New York. Granted, 3 of the 5 lbs I actually gained IN New York (thank you Max Brenner!). After seeing the horrifying number on the scale I rededicated myself to my running schedule. I found out this week that a couple of my sister-in-laws had the same feelings as I did. So, we decided to set up a blog to record our progress and such. The blog is . We are inviting anyone that wants to lose weight, eat better, and/or just be a healthier person to join. We are hoping with having to post a record of our success or struggles we will be more motivated to keep it up and finally lose our weight! So, go check it out and have some fun with us!!!
(You don't have to be a Jensen to join the Jensen Slim Down, really, ANYONE can join and we hope you do!)


jenny said...

Can I join please. today I put a swim suit on and I looked awful I want to loose 13 Lbs

jenny said...

Jenny, you are not welcome to join this club. You have to have weight to actually lose in order to join. Sorry, you're out!

Jill Clark said...

I second that, Jenny can't join! Love you girl, but seriously, you are too young to worry about it!
I am so glad we are doing this! Hopefully it will be the help I need!

jenny said...

This is Jamie. I posted that last comment.

akdoxey said...

I'm there with you guys. I've been doing weightwatchers and I LOVE it! I've lost about 14 lbs. You should check it out, it's not even like a diet. Good luck with this. The worst part is that you have so many kids who snack and no doubt the moms eat those treats too.

Sarah said...

I for sure need to join you girls. Unfortunatley, I have NO willpower and love to eat WAY too much. But, I can cheer you on! :)

Dayna said...

My weight plan is have a baby, lose 50lbs.! No really, I,ll have to join after I have the baby because I will desperately need it. Such a good idea. You're not just a hat rack!