Tuesday, October 12, 2010

This poor little bird...

...scared the crap out of me this morning.

I had just sent Oakley and Oliver outside and a few seconds later I hear the loud boom. I had no idea what was going on and I ran to the sliding door to see Oakley running from the middle of the yard yelling, "a bird, a bird!" Then I saw it. A fat quail, twitching on the ground.

It had flown right into this window. Do you see the smudge at the top?
Here is a close up where you can see a little feather stuck to the window.
Poor little guy was jerking for a good minute. Can't wait for Trent to get home to take care of it.

And the weird thing is, my windows are far from clean. How could he not tell he was flying straight towards it? The hand prints are a dead give away (no pun intended).


Kim said...


hbentley said...

That would scare me to death. Glad it was just a bird and not a kids head.

cwilson said...

Crazy! Poor bird.

Stephanie said...

That's happened to me before, and it is scary! Sorry little birdy :(

Amber said...

that's happened to us too...really, poor little bird! Maybe it got the wrong message of who was starving...remember the quail that fell out of the sky for the starving pioneers to eat?

Jamie said...

How the heck am I so behind on your blog?! First of all, what the heck with the bird? And did it seriously writhe around on the ground until Trent got home? Ugh.

And your little Blue Sharks are darling! I can't believe all your kids are growing up so much! It's so weird!

Sarah said...


Julie said...

Funny pun! Oh, but having a bird plunge to it's death like that is awful. If it makes you feel better, this kind of thing happens. What a way to go for that bird. Maybe it's a kamikaze-type suicide?

Unknown said...

I found a dead sparrow hawk on my back patio yesterday. What's with birds running into windows and killing themselves? Maybe it's a sign. Yikes.