Thursday, October 2, 2008


I was the answer to Sarah's "Who will participate?" and I cannot back down from a challenge. So here you go: You can only answer the question with one word. This was hard for me because I LOVE to explain my answers. Even if you don't post it is fun to think of one word that would describes your answer!

  1. Where is your cell phone? Purse
  2. Where is your significant other? Work
  3. Your hair? Disappointing
  4. Your mother? Content
  5. Your father? Nonjudgmental
  6. Your favorite thing? Family
  7. Your dream last night? None
  8. Your dream/goal? Happiness
  9. The room you're in? Kitchen
  10. Your hobby? Blogging
  11. Your fear? Death
  12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? PTA
  13. Where were you last night? Home
  14. What you're not? Stylish
  15. One of your wish list items? Remodel
  16. Where you grew up? Utah
  17. That last thing you did? Dishes
  18. What are you wearing? Pajamas
  19. Your TV? Necessity
  20. Your pet? Beagles
  21. Your computer? Love
  22. What do you think of Tags like this? Fun
  23. Your mood? Good
  24. Missing someone? Yes
  25. Where would you rather be? Vacation
  26. Something you're not wearing? Shoes
  27. Favorite store? Lots
  28. Your summer? Short
  29. Love someone? Eternity
  30. Your favorite color? Green
  31. When is the last time you laughed? Earlier
  32. Who will participate? Mandi


Ginny said...

that was fun. i can see how that would be a challenge for me. i like words and rambling far too much!

btw, trent, no permanent hard feelings! :-) and my issue with being private isn't fear of predators, it is a control thing. i like control and, as you know, i actually control very little in my life!! i'm slowly letting go...

brooke said...

Amy, I'm a littl offended that you didn't pick me to play! For your information I've already done this tag and I loved it! I'm excited to see you guys tonight! THIS IS GOING TO BE BIG!

Sarah said...

I agree it is super-hard to come up with only the one word. You did great! And I love your new background!

Jill Clark said...

I think your first answer would have been really funny if you were on call! Bra should have been your one word.

Jamie said...

I don't think you give yourself enough credit - I think you're stylish.

This was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I'd think of answers, but had a hard time getting it down to just one word.

Loved reading your list.

Jamie said...

I want you to come home so you can update more. I don't konw what to do with myself that I've had to look at the same blog for the last 2 days.