Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dinosaur Park

We went to the Dinosaur Park yesterday for Oakley's last day of preschool (boo!). It was actually really fun and the kids were really good. I even enjoyed myself.
First up we ate some lunch.
Then we walked around and met all the dinosaurs.
And found some really crazy creatures.
The kids even got to ride some of them.
Then we found some dinos that were still alive.
and Oliver was too scared so we stayed away and cuddled. He was actually scared for most of the time, hence the reason he is missing from some pics.
And a sad farewell to Mrs. Eggett. Oakley will be moving onward and upward to Kindergarten next year. But Paige and Morgan have one more year with her and they can't wait.
I, on the other hand, don't know what I am going to do all summer without Mrs. Eggett. May be time for some therapy....or medication.

1 comment:

Luke and Kimmy said...

What! No comments yet? What is happening to the bloging world. Seriously.

Love the picture of you and Oliver. He really does look like he's just another one of yours. Just about everytime I see someone that knows you, they say how much Oliver looks like you guys. Good thing you guys are good looking people otherwise I would be totally offended.