Jamie did a Home Tag on her blog and told a few of us that we had no choice in the matter of doing it or not. Not that I wouldn't want to do it. I love tags, I think they give us a little variety in the everyday blog. The tag is basically this: Take pictures of 10 of your favorite things about your house. Perfect. I LOVE my house and it was hard to choose only 10. So hard in fact that I actually have 11 and then I made myself stop.
Here is a little history about how we came to live in our house, for those of you who don't know. Back in the day of only having 2 babies we lived in Kaysville, in the cutest little house ever. We had no intention of moving anytime soon and thought we would stay in Kaysville forever. One not so important day I called Trent and thought we should just keep our eye open in case the perfect house comes on the market. It was a Wednesday. Trent jumped right on it and in an hour or two he called me with some houses he found. We drove by a bunch that night and the last one was our favorite. We called the realtor the next morning, made an appt for the afternoon to go through it. We LOVED it. Granted, we wanted to change everything about it, but the basic "mold" of the house was good, the neighborhood was awesome, and the yard was what we were searching for. The next morning, which would be Friday, we put an offer on the house and that night we signed the papers. So, in a matter of 2 days we decided to look for a house, we found a house, and bought a house. Some people thought we were crazy to do it that fast, but we never regretted it. And it is a good thing, because it only took 2 more years to fill it completely up with kids! So that is how we came to be in our "perfect" house. Now on to the real tag...

A laundry chute. This thing is awesome. The kids can put all their own clothes down it and it goes right to my laundry room. I am just waiting for one of my kids to decide to go down it themselves and get stuck. It hasn't happened yet....

My closet. It is not huge or anything, but the thing I am most proud of are my shoe shelves. I found them at the store, purchased them, and put them together myself! I know, Trent usually does everything around here, but I actually did this, so I am proud!

Here is a sample of what we want our entire house to look like one day. We love the wood windows and trim. Trent and Jake actually put the windows in themselves. Granted Jake nearly lost his hands to frostbite, but they look good. Trent installed all the wood himself too. This guy is amazing.

This is actually the room that sold me on the house. My very own craft room. I love having a space for all my craftiness, not that I have time to use it anymore, but some day...

We remodeled one bathroom (of course it is Jill's-not ours.) I love the tile work, the shower, and the counter tops. It is such a cool bathroom.

Here is where we spend A LOT of our time. Trent is very into the picture and sound of movies, so this is our set up. One day we will have a real theater room, but this works just fine for now.

The openness of our house. There used to be a wall here. See the
remodel post. It is so much nicer now to have parties, there is actually space to move around. We love the look and feeling of our upstairs!

The woodwork on the outside. Yet another thing Trent has done on his own. As you can tell we really love wood. Trent added the lighting in the soffit as well. I LOVE how it turned out.

Our backyard. It is an amazing yard. You can't see any of our neighbors houses. You can sit back there and you feel like you are all alone. And to top it off it has a perfect view of the Temple. The front yard is included in our favorite, but a before and after post is in the works, so stay tuned.

I know what you are thinking, your trash compactor? Well, it has to be one of the great surprises about this house. I love it. When I have an arm full of garbage all I have to do is step on the lever and it opens for me. It really makes my life easier.

My bed. I love sleep. That is all I have to say about that.
Now, I thought I would add some of the things we don't like about our house. The list is getting smaller as more remodels are done, but there are still a few...

Our dog room. Everything about it is disgusting. It used to have shelves and carpet, but Milo kept peeing on it so everything came out and he hasn't peed in there since. Dumb dog.

We have the most beautiful shag carpets downstairs. Really, Luke as already claimed this piece when we tear it out, but we have some nice brown still available.

We have two of these flower tiles things in the kitchen. I do not like them one bit. But that is a big job in the far future.
Our "master" bathroom. It is pathetic. When I was huge and pregnant I couldn't even turn around in the shower. It is old and ugly. Why did Jill get the nice bathroom again?

The mirrors above our bed. I just hate them.

Our front door. Trent was embarrassed when I posted a picture of our Halloween stuff. We hate gold, the trim is flaking, and, simply, we just hate the door.

Wallpaper. This house had wallpaper on every wall. Horrible. I will NEVER put wall paper up in my life. Only a few more rooms to destroy to get the ugly stuff off...

Our lovely gold fans. We have 2 of these beauties in our house. Trent and I really hate gold, no offense to anyone that likes it, but it is not for us. It took us 3 years to get one nice fan, so I am thinking in about 6 years we will no longer have ugly gold fans.
So there you have it. Participate if you want. I love seeing pictures of people's homes and it was fun to think of the things I love about my home.
Your house is so cute! I would have to say your backyard is by far my most favorite thing about your house! B-E-A-UTIFUL!
Where did you get your shoe shelves? I will have to spend a few hours cleaning before I can post anything from my house. After President Monson's talk I've been trying to not worry about having my house perfect all the time. So why am I on the computer? I've still got a lot of work to do.
First, my favorite thing is how fast you got this done! You are my favorite blogger, ever! You've always got new material. I love it!
Second, your house is honestly beautiful. Seriously. It has such a good feel, nice flow, good colors, etc. I love it. I think part of what makes it so nice is that so much of your own blood, sweat, and tears went into making it that way.
I think your backyard is my favorite thing as well. I should have posted things I don't like too. #1 on my list would have been the "view" out our backyard - or lack thereof. What's not to like about big brick buildings? Yuck!
This post is awesome! My favorite part is the explaination that accompanies each picture. It makes me laugh to see how Amy feels about things around our house. It may sound strange, but I really liked how the pictures captured each object you were talking about. I see these things every day, but I liked how you documented them. I think it gave me a slight glimpse at an outside view of the crazy house we inhabit.
I love what you've done with your house, and your backyard is amazing! I hate hate gold, too, so I'm with you on that! What a fun post... maybe I'll do it too!
I think you guys are amazing. Everything that you have done with your house is so cool. I really like your backyard too!
loved this post...might even take you up on the tag...next week! we have matching front doors--including chipping paint and abhorrent gold accent. And the fan for that matter! We replaced one, but still have one to go. oh, and all the gold doorknobs...and the sconces...yeah, i feel the same way about gold/brass. I would also definitely have to include things I don't like since our house is a work in progress too! Your house looks great! Thanks for sharing!!!
Hey! We have a very cute fan that we are going to get rid of because we need more light in our main room- it is very modern. Send me your email and I will send you a picutre of it.
Amy, seriously Wal-mart has a pretty good selection of ceiling fans... nickel, bronze, whatever. Thery're like $40, even if they just got you by till you could get your "dream one". Loved the post, maybe someday when my house is clean I'll do this one too.
Love the post. Seriously how do you find time to do everything...you are amazing! Your house looks great. I can't believe how much you guys have done to it. I have to agree with Melissa I love the shoe shelves, where did you get them?
Melissa and Sara, I got the shelves at Target-one of the best stores ever! And really they were sooo easy to put together. If I can do it anyone can!
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